Family: Baltic Exchange Ship Recycling Assessments (BSRA)
Index: All 9 BSRA Tankers (see table below)

Following a market review and feedback from market participants and with BIC's approval, the following changes to the BSRA index description is set to take place effective 1st November 2021.

Current Description 

New Description 

...Gas free for man entry. Delivery 15/30 days, as is, under own power, cash price, basis standard commission.

...Gas free for hot works. Delivery 15/30 days, as is, under own power, cash price, basis standard commission.

This change will be applied to all current 9 indices:

Index          Description  
LBSTRA      Large Tanker, Bangladesh
MBSTRA     Medium Tanker, Bangladesh
SBSTRA      Small Tanker, Bangladesh
LPTSRA      Large Tanker, Pakistan 
MPTSRA     Medium Tanker, Pakistan
SPTSRA      Small Tanker, Pakistan
LISTRA       Large Tanker, India
MISTRA      Medium Tanker, India
SISTRA       Small Tanker, India

Any comments or feedback, please direct your message to

Ref: CA/Asset/202110/1/N