Chemical and Agricultural Oil
The Baltic Chemical and Agricultural Oil Assessments (BCAA) are designed to meet the evolving needs of the maritime freight market. These weekly assessments bring the Baltic Exchange’s renowned expertise and benchmarking data to the chemical and agri-oil shipping sectors, offering insights into a segment of the freight market that is often overlooked—catering to shipowners, charterers, brokers, and trading companies.

The BCAA covers trade routes for “easy-chemicals” like benzene, toluene, xylene and caustic soda, as well as vegetable oils. The indices, priced in USD per metric ton and basis 5,000 mt or 10,000 mt shipments (and 40,000 mt for vegetable oils), reflect the unique nature of chemical tankers, which carry multiple cargo types and require specialised handling beyond a traditional oil products carrier.
Chemicals, vegetable oils, and biofuels are used in a vast range of everyday items:
- Cleaning and hygiene products
- Food and cooking
- Construction and home materials
- Transportation
- Agriculture
- Textiles and clothing
- Electronics and technology
BCAA Routes
EC11: Northwest Europe to US Gulf
EC22: Middle East Gulf to West Coast India
EC23: Middle East Gulf to China
EC34: US Gulf to Far East
EC35: US Gulf to Northwest Europe
EC36: US Gulf to Brazil
EC43: Singapore to China
EC52: Korea to West Coast India
EC57: Korea to Singapore
PO45: Singapore Straits to Northwest Europe
VG62: EC South America to West Coast India
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For more information or subscription inquiries, please contact Paul Mazzarulli, Baltic Exchange Americas Representative.