This is a notice of the completion of a major change under the Guide to Market Benchmarks (GMB), section 5.2.4 
Following the Baltic Circulars 53/19, 47/19, 28/19 & 38/19, from 1 January 2020 the Baltic standard Panamax vessel became the 82,500 dwt and the weighted averages based on five routes (P5TC). Under the GMB superseded indices will move to restricted publication after two (2) years. The P5TC went live on 1st January 2020, subsequently the two year period ends in December 2021. 
From 31st December 2021 the P4TC data will; 

  • cease to be included in daily PDF reports and Baltic App alerts, 
  • be removed from the personal dashboard and the BPI family grouping on, 
  • be removed from the Baltic App, 
  • be available via FTP/API feeds.

P4TC data shall be provided to Clearing Houses for settlement purposes for the duration of any Open Interest. 
If you wish to receive P4TC data, or would like information about a settlement licenses, please contact Crispin Eccleston on 
Alternatively, if you have any questions or comments, please direct them to the Freight Team on  
