Circular 07/21 - Tanker Update - New Aframax route TD26 to Public Trial
Tanker BDTI Family
New Aframax Tanker Route TD26 commencing Public Trial reporting
Aframax route TD26 (EC Mexico/US Gulf) has been on Private Trial since 22 February 2021, we are pleased to advise the Public Trial reporting commenced from 22 March 2021.
Route description:
TD26 - 70,000mt EC Mexico (Dos Bocas or Cayo Arcas to Houston), laydays/cancelling 5-10 days from Index date. Age max 15 years. Assessment basis Oil Pollution Act premium paid. 2.5% total commission. (this route will be assessed in Worldscale).
A TD26 timecharter equivalent basis Baltic benchmark Aframax Tanker delivery Houston for a round voyage loading EC Mexico will be published in $/day. The TCE will use the average flat rate, average distance & average port costs of the 2 load ports.
The route will follow the U.S.A publishing calendar so non-publication days will be per routes TC14, TC18, MRA Triangulation, TD21 & TD25.
Any feedback or comments should be directed to: