Circular 19/21 - Change: LNG Headline published based on BLNGg indices
Family: Gas
Index: BLNG
Change: LNG headline published based on BLNGg indices
The Baltic Exchange is changing the headline index for LNG, currently, the index is the average of the following indices which use Marine fuel:
Short Code | Unit | Short Description | Long Description |
BLNG | Index number |
Baltic LNG Index | Composite Index: Average(BLNG1, BLNG2, BLNG3) |
Based on market feedback the headline Index will, from 1 September 2021 be published based on the BLNGg Indices, being the same routes using LNG fuel rather than Marine fuel.
Short Code | Unit | Short Description | Long Description |
BLNG | Index number |
Baltic LNG Index | Composite Index: Average(BLNG1g, BLNG2g, BLNG3g) |
If you have any questions or comments, please direct them to the Freight Team on
Ref: CA/Gas/202108/2/N