The weather in London may have become wintrier and forecasts of more cold spells to come have done little to the expected LNG market seasonal rise. Rates are flat/soft with very few fixtures being reported, though some cargoes are working more modern tonnage leaving older ships languishing.

Rates have moved little, indeed the BLNG1 Aus-Japan on the 174cbm 2-stroke closed unchanged at $73,000 while the 160-cbm TFDE vessel lost $1000 down to $57,800. BLNG2 Houston-Cont saw negative drops on both the 174cbm 2-strokes and 160cbm TFDE indexes where they finished down 3.67% and 1.55% respectively at $56,721 and $45,200. BLNG3 Houston-Japan was flat as Intra Basin activity remains muted. The 174cbm 2-stroke index lost $2400 to a close of $76,100 while the 160cbm TFDE index finished up $481 at $62,981.

On the Baltic Period prints, all three terms fell with 6-months shorter periods feeling the squeeze losing 10.8% down $8900 at $82,400 while 1-year fell by $275 to $72,975 and though the 3-year period was more stable losing only 0.87% it fell to $80,900.



With an increasing tonnage list and little reported open interest with cargoes, there is not much to report back on the VLGC market. BLPG1 Ras Tanura-Chiba lost $7.583 a fall of 14.68% closing at $51.667. The TCE Earnings took a hit as well losing over 21% down $6734 at $31,605.

Across the Atlantic there was not much more to say, although rates suffered less, and we did see a few cargoes fixed on ships rates took a battering. BLPG2 Houston-Flushing lost 11.04% down $6.375 and with a close of $57.75 has been approaching the lows of the height of summer again. BLPG3 Houston-Chiba lost $10.167 a drop of 9.79% and a close of $103.833, TCE earnings were down 16.22% at $38,755.