Baltic Exchange building update
![38 St Mary Axe.(Q27085726) [Wikimedia listing still has this building as 40 St Mary Axe, but English Heritage has the correct address.]](/content/balticexchange/consumer/en/news-and-events/news/member-news/2021/baltic-exchange-building-update/_jcr_content/par/image.img.jpg/1636537642079.jpg)
The Baltic Exchange has entered into an agreement for a long leasehold disposal of its building at 38 St Mary Axe, London EC2 to Baltic Investment Holdings Limited (“BIHL”), a UK real estate investment company managed by Argo Real Estate Limited, who are working in partnership with Stone Real Estate Limited, a London based property development management business.
BIHL has acquired a 153-year lease on the building and plans to undertake a full refurbishment to provide high-grade office space, capitalising on the building’s prime location in the City of London.
The refurbishment is due to commence in early 2022 and expected to take 18-24 months.
During this period, the Baltic Exchange intends to move to a nearby location in the City and will return to the building, which will retain its name as the Baltic Exchange building, after the work is completed.
This development will not impact the Baltic Exchange’s operations and our business will continue to function as usual throughout.