The Ethnicity in Maritime Lunch and Learn was held on the second day of London International Shipping Week. The panel discussed and shared ideas for calling out/calling in racial microaggression. You can watch a recording of the session here


The Ethnicity in Maritime Network (initially called BAME) was launched in July 2020 as part of the Diversity in Maritime programme.


Aims of the Network

  • Help identify barriers to change and where the Diversity Working Groups should be focusing efforts.
  • To bring together individuals from a culturally diverse background, along with allies, to shine a strong spotlight on the specific problem of racial inequality.
  • Ensure that the network consider the whole of the UK “maritime” sector – comprising shipping, ports, services, engineering & science and leisure marine.
  • To enable individuals and organisations to recruit, retain, empower and support individuals from a culturally diverse background.
  • To act as disruptors to educate and enable individuals and organisations to acknowledge and challenge racial conscious and unconscious bias in the workplace.
  • To share resources, good practice policies and toolkits that support individuals from a culturally diverse background across the UK.