The Baltic Exchange App

Baltic Data and access to news and other services are now available in our free mobile app for Android, IOS and Huawei.
Select your favourite routes and forward curves, setup data alerts for publication times, see Dry FFA trades after they clear from across the Exchanges and access all our market circulars, events and announcements in one place. For access, download the Baltic app and use your existing user credentials:
If you haven’t yet setup your user credentials, you can register here.
Free Headline Baltic Data for all Member Companies
Irrespective of the membership category, all employees of a member firm now can access Headline Data online or via the Baltic APP across Dry Cargo, Tankers, Gas, Air Freight, Containers and Investor Indices.
In addition, Member employees will also receive access to a range of other services including the membership directory, daily and weekly market reports and our postings service. The postings service is a comprehensive database of companies with whom other members have experienced difficulties in the past which can be checked before doing business with a new counterparty.
The service allows for charting and downloading historical data. To signup colleagues, simply forward the registration link here.