This match was managed by Nigel Whaler and was a struggle to gather a suitable number of players due to some last minute withdrawals. One tested positive for Covid and another was stranded in Zurich courtesy of BA and its flight calamities. Fortunately, Trevor Marsh was able to enlist two of his fellow members from Chislehurst to fill some of the now spare places, so the Baltic fielded a team of nine, which included the President Robert Gemmell.

For both morning and afternoon rounds, there were three foursomes and the other matches were a BEGS player versus a Stock Exchange pairing playing alternate shots, which was not ideal, but it still allowed the match to go ahead. The morning matches were extremely tight with four of them finalised on the 18th. But sadly all went to the Stock, whilst in the remaining two matches the Baltic Exchange won one and halved the other. So by the end of the session the Stock Exchange were up 4 ¼ to 1 ½.

Time for manager Nigel Whaler to work his magic with a suitable pep talk to go with the fine lunch and red wine. The afternoon session began with the Baltic firmly believing in a Medinah style comeback. The golf was again extremely hard fought with as ever the putting critical. Sadly the 18th seemed to be the nemesis of the Baltic and most of the matches that went to the 18th were all won by the Stock Exchange and the session score was the same 4 ½ to 1 ½ in favour of the Stock Exchange.

Whilst the final score of 9 – 3 to the Stock Exchange is disappointing, the course was in superb condition. The weather, food and competition were excellent and all Baltic players had a thoroughly enjoyable day. The loss will no doubt make some redouble their efforts to avenge it in 2023.

A huge thank you to Nigel for managing the match as well as to all the players for a valiant effort against a side that is always tough to beat on their home turf. Next year’s match is already booked for 30 June 2023, roll on next year….We will also aim to avoid a clash of fixtures so close to each other, as the Principals v Brokers match seemed to affect availability for some players.