Message from the Baltic Exchange Chairman

Dear Baltic Exchange Members,
As my three-and-a-half years as Chairman comes to an end, 2022 has been yet another challenging year for world trade. Sadly, the war in Ukraine, directly and indirectly, continues to heap misery on so many lives. Shipping has met many of the changing demands, and our members, mostly back in their offices after the lifting of Covid restrictions, are contributing a huge part in ensuring safe and reliable delivery of cargoes.
It has been a fragmented three-and-a-half-year tenure for me as Chairman. The Covid pandemic, dire hostilities in Eastern Europe, as well as UK’s own political turmoil with three Prime Ministers and an ever-changing roster of shipping ministers to keep up with. The passing of The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh brought sadness to the nation, but happily, we welcomed a King who has strong nautical connections. However, at the Baltic Exchange, we have strived to stay connected where it matters, and successive Lord Mayors of London continue to support the Baltic Exchange and what it commercially delivers to international bulk shipping. During this time, the Baltic Exchange membership has grown by 50 per cent and continues attracting new members.
Thank you for having me as your Chairman, and I am honoured to have been able to represent all our members at formal events not only in London, but also at various international shipping centres as normality returned.
I am also honoured to have been able to host various dignitaries at the Baltic Exchange, and two retired members’ lunches, but despite my tenure, sadly, only one Chairman’s Cocktail Party. Having said that, I was very encouraged to see a packed house at that reception with so many newer members and of far greater diversity than ever before – a real boost to the Baltic Exchange and a triumph for shipping!
In closing, I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the Baltic Exchange Council, to wish my successor Lord Jeffrey Mountevans the absolute best and to give our full support to him. I wish you all safe and peaceful seasonal holidays with a healthy and prosperous year ahead.