Baltic Exchange appoints Strategic Carbon Lead

The Baltic Exchange has appointed former RightShip Chief Executive, Martin Crawford-Brunt as a Strategic Carbon Lead. The Baltic Exchange recently introduced carbon assessments alongside its spot dry bulk charter rate assessments and is expanding its role to support market mechanisms aimed at reducing CO2 emissions from the shipping sector.
Baltic Exchange Chief Executive Mark Jackson said:
“The Baltic Exchange is laying the foundations for consistency in the way in which carbon is priced into seaborne freight. We are helping the industry build a consensus position for the definition of voyages and time-charters and close the gaps between numerous CO2 estimates. Martin understands the complexities of the relationships between owners, charterers, national and international regulators. He brings with him the experience and connections needed to put the Baltic Exchange in the right forums and help us navigate this complex market.”
The new role is designed to provide strategic support for the Baltic Exchange’s leadership team and to deepen relationships with key stakeholders including governments, interest groups and commercial interests.
Martin Crawford-Brunt, CEO of Lookout Maritime said:
“The Baltic Exchange is renowned for being the trusted keeper of the score when it comes to freight rates. With everyone calling for common reporting on shipping emissions, the Baltic Exchange is perfectly positioned to engage with stakeholders to help market participants develop mechanisms which will lead to real-world emission reduction. I am passionate about contributing towards the increased adoption of sustainable business practices and am hugely excited to support and guide this strategic initiative on behalf of such a respected organisation.”
Denis Petropoulos, Chairman of Baltic Exchange Council said:
“We welcome Martin to Baltic Council from this month where his experience and knowledge of the wide ranging issues in shipping, in particular those related to ESG, will be invaluable to our members.”
The 10 strong Baltic Council provides the Baltic with input into a range of issues including the development of the Baltic’s code of conduct, overseeing digital solutions and best practices; and supporting initiatives by the Baltic Exchange in development and people training as well as diversity, fair employment, and equal rights in the shipping industry.
Martin holds a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering, Fluid Dynamics & Naval Architecture, and started his career working for the Port of Cape Town in 1994 before joining the classification society DNV as a marine surveyor. At DNV he worked in a number of strategic roles globally, including alternative fuels and emission reduction, and as Regional Manager for customer engagement in West Europe and Africa. He then spent three years (2018-2021) as Chief Executive of maritime vetting and due-diligence agency RightShip before setting up Lookout Maritime.