Remembrance Day Service 2021

This year’s Baltic Exchange Remembrance Day commemoration will be marked by the Baltic Chairman placing a wreath in the reception area at 38 St Mary Axe on 11 November. There will not be a service at the Baltic Exchange. However, the Lloyd’s of London branch of the Royal British Legion will be holding an Act of Remembrance at the Aviva memorial at 1130 on Friday, 12 November, followed by a service at St Katharine Cree at 1200. The service will last around 40 minutes and involves the military, bugler, organ and the Lloyd’s Choir.
The Royal British Legion has extended a warm welcome to any Baltic Exchange member who might wish to attend its ceremony.
Those wishing to contribute to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal can do so via bank transfer.
Sort Code: 30-00-00
Account Number: 00253111
Beneficiary: The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
Reference: GAC06